Tuesday, December 28, 2010

UMRAH 4th -18TH MARCH : 15 days (3 nights Madinah ,8 nights Mecca )


1.  Madinah , HOTEL FAIRUZ SATTA (3nights) equivalent
2.  Mecca , HOTEL MANAZAEL RAED (8nights) equivalent
3.  Package inclusive of :
    *  flight to & fro
    *  visa
    *  malay meals ( b/fast , lunch , dinner )
    *  A/C express bus
    *  kain ihram with ihram belt , kain telekung
    *  bags , umrah guide booklet
    *  7 times umrah...miqat : Bir Ali (1x) ,Tanaeim (4x) , Ji'aranah (1x)  , Hudaibiah (1x)
    *  FOC immunization ( meningitis...wajib for visa application )
    *   medical check-up by our team of doctors ( company's panel clinic )
    *  ziarah MADINAH & MECCA

    *  many , many more.....seeing is believing!!!

    best of all........PACKAGE AT  NETT PRICE.....WITH NO HIDDEN CHARGES.....

                       4-18th MARCH 2010  :  RM 5,700.00 nett

Monday, December 27, 2010

which travel group to choose?

 First and foremost, decide which group you want to travel with. Investigate thoroughly and ask previous travellers who have travelled before with this group regarding the services provided. Once you have decided, then bear all hardships with patience and do not complain, backbite or slander the group leaders and spoil your Umrah and the Umrah of others.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Perjalanan Umrah

Rukun Umrah: 
1. Niat
2. Tawaf sebanyak 7 kali keliling kaabah
3. Sa'ie dari Safa ke Marwah, 7 kali pergi dan balik
4. Bercukur atau bergunting rambut kepala (Tahalul)
5. Tertib, mengikut susunan tertib

Wajib Umrah 
1. Niat ihram di Miqat(di kawasan Tanah Halal)
2. tidak melanggar larangan waktu ihram

Sunat Umrah
1. Mandi sunat ihram dan sunat solat ihram
2. Solat sunat tawaf
3. Mengucup/istilam Hajar Aswad
4. Talbiah

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Untungnya mengerjakan Umrah


*mengikut sebutan adalah haji kecil.
*adalah mengunjungi Baitullahlil Haram di Mekah untuk melakukan tawaf dan sa'ie serta rukun-rukunnya dan wajib-wajibnya.
* ia tidak memerlukan wukuf di Arafah, bermalam di muzdalifah, melontar jamrah di Mina serta serta bermalam di sana sepertimana dilakukan oleh orang yang mengerjakan haji. 

Hukum mengerjakan Umrah :
  Wajib untuk kali pertama dan sunat untuk kali seterusnya.

Keutamaan mengerjakan Umrah dan Ziarah :
1.  Menghapuskan dosa : Rasulullah SAW bersabda " Umrah kepada satu Umrah yang lain adalah menghapuskan dosa yang berlaku di antara keduanya".
" Sesiapa yang keluar dari rumahnya kerana hendak mengerjakan haji atau umrah, maka dia mati, nescaya Allah akan memberikannya pahala mengerjakan haji dan umrah hingga hari kiamat. Dan sesiapa mati di di salah satu Tanah haram (Makkah atau Madinah), dia takkan dihisab, bahkan dikata kepadanya:'Masuklah ke dalam Syurga'."

2.   Do'a dimakbulkan Allah.  Sabda Rasulullah SAW "Orang-orang yang mengerjakan haji dan umrah adalah urusan Allah. Jika mereka berdo'a maka nescaya do'a mereke dimakbulkan Allah."

3.  Dapat menyaksikan Ka'abah :Bahawa Allah menurunkan 120 rahmat atas rumah ini (Kaabah) pada setiap hari dan malam; 60 untuk mereka yang melakukan tawaf, 40 bagi mereka yang mendirikan solat dan 20 bagi mereka yang hanya memandang ka'abah.(Riwayat alBaihaqi daripada Ibnu 'Abbas ra).
Sesiapa yang tawaf di Baitullah dan solat dua rakaat ( solat sunat tawaf) nescaya dia seperti memerdekakan hamba.( Riwayat Ibnu Majah).

Sesiapa yang tawaf di Baitullah lima puluh kali, nescaya keluar segala dosanya seperti bayi yang baru dilahirkan oleh ibunya.( Riwayat alTarmizi).

4. Peluang mendapat pahala berlipatkali ganda apabila mengerjakan solat di Masjidil Haram dan masjidil Nabawi ; iaitu 100,000 kali ganda di masjidil Haram dan 1,000 kali di Masjidil Nabawi.

5.  Peluang ziarah Makam Rasulullah.

6.  Peluang berdo'a di tempat-tempat istijabah(yang dimakbulkan do'a) :  
    * Raudhdh dalam masjid nabawi
    * semasa tawaf
    * semasa bersa'ie
    * atas bukit safa
    * atas bukit marwah
    * dalam Hijir ismail
    * di sisi telaga zam-zam
    * di belakang Makam Ibrahim
    * di Multazam.
bahkan terdapat 55 tempat yang dimakbulkan doa di Mekah, oleh itu perbanyakkanlah berdo'a semasa di sana.

 7.  akan dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah.
 "Orang yang mengerjakan Umrah dan Haji akan dimakbulkan doa mereka dan digandakan wang yang dibelanjakan oleh mereka sebanyak 1000 kali 1000 iaitu sejuta.'' (Riwayat al-Baihaqi daripada Anas ra).   


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The invitation to visit the house of Allah was first given by the Almighty Allah Himself through the great Prophet Ibrahim ( Alayhis Saalam ). A person performing Hajj is a guest of Mighty Allah, which is why the Hajj will see the phrase  (Welcome to the guests of Ar-Rahman) written and mentioned in many places during hajj.

The masa'il of Hajj, are the etiquettes for the invitees and guests of Allah, and it is of the utmost importance that they learn and practice this code of conduct. Similarly there are ways to conduct oneself in Madinah Munawwarrah. the pilgrims are requested to send salutations on the Prophet SAW abundantly.

The masa'il and way of performing Hajj and Umrah are indeed the most important preperation before embarking on this great spiritual journey and also to get oneself into a frame of mind and to be disciplined so that it is easy to make sabr (patience) when the need arises and it is easy to perform Solat with jamaah and stay in the Masjid for lengthy periods and engross oneself in amal, tawaaf, dakwah, dzikir,do'as  etc. Therefore one is urged to attend gatherings and lectures locally and learn from local Ulama.

Therefore, kembararaudhah feels the urge to deliver , in a simplified way, the basic masa'il and ettiquettes of performing the hajj and Umrah , in stages, as a guideline and in doing so be rewarded with Hajj/Umrah Mabroor Insha Allah.

May Allah with His infinite Mercy accept this work and make it a means of his pleasure in this world and hereafter.


The Umrah

The Umrah is a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia performed by Muslims that can be undertaken at anytime of the year. Umrah means to visit a populated place.

Umrah means to perform the Tawaf around the Kaaba and Sa'ie between Al- Safa and Al- Marwah after assuming Ihram either from a Miqat like Ji'ranah , Tan'im or the holy land.

Umrah is sometimes called the lesser or minor pilgrimage as compared to the Hajj, being the greater pilgrimage , which is highly recommended to every able bodied Muslim who can afford it .

Monday, December 20, 2010

UMRAH 2011

MARCH 2011
( RM 5,700.00 nett )

APRIL 2011
*package price will be announced soon

 MAY 2011

 25/5-8/6 (cuti sekolah) : PENERBANGAN PAKISTAN AIRLINE
*package price will be announced soon