Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The invitation to visit the house of Allah was first given by the Almighty Allah Himself through the great Prophet Ibrahim ( Alayhis Saalam ). A person performing Hajj is a guest of Mighty Allah, which is why the Hajj will see the phrase  (Welcome to the guests of Ar-Rahman) written and mentioned in many places during hajj.

The masa'il of Hajj, are the etiquettes for the invitees and guests of Allah, and it is of the utmost importance that they learn and practice this code of conduct. Similarly there are ways to conduct oneself in Madinah Munawwarrah. the pilgrims are requested to send salutations on the Prophet SAW abundantly.

The masa'il and way of performing Hajj and Umrah are indeed the most important preperation before embarking on this great spiritual journey and also to get oneself into a frame of mind and to be disciplined so that it is easy to make sabr (patience) when the need arises and it is easy to perform Solat with jamaah and stay in the Masjid for lengthy periods and engross oneself in amal, tawaaf, dakwah, dzikir,do'as  etc. Therefore one is urged to attend gatherings and lectures locally and learn from local Ulama.

Therefore, kembararaudhah feels the urge to deliver , in a simplified way, the basic masa'il and ettiquettes of performing the hajj and Umrah , in stages, as a guideline and in doing so be rewarded with Hajj/Umrah Mabroor Insha Allah.

May Allah with His infinite Mercy accept this work and make it a means of his pleasure in this world and hereafter.



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